Growing up I never really knew who I was, as I was always trying so hard to be like other girls. Wanting to wear the same clothes they had, changing my hair to match theirs, etc., just to feel like I fit in with them. I didn’t have many friends, and it seemed that no matter how hard I tried to fit in and get others to like me, it just didn’t seem to work. I often wondered, “What I had done wrong?” and “What was wrong with me?” My self esteem lowered and I didn’t feel worthy. I felt different than others not knowing why.
Later in life, I worked so hard to take care of others instead of myself that I became a master at people pleasing. I was always focused on keeping things peaceful, even if it meant sacrificing my own happiness and joy. It seemed like I was always trying to prove myself. I had gotten so lost in trying to become someone I wasn’t that I never gave myself an opportunity to discover my own true authentic self.
I have diligently spent the last ten years reflecting on the simple-yet-not so simple question, “Who am I?” I still may not have answers to that question, but in the process of doing the work and through my own self realizations, I have learned to love and accept myself just as I am. Sure, I still get stuck in those self-sabotaging thoughts every once in awhile, but I don’t stay there for long!
I have learned to love my self unconditionally without judgment. I no longer try to hide behind a mask pretending to be someone that I am not. I am free to be who I am and the person that I was meant to become. I still enjoy helping others and being of service to them, but now I know how important it is to take care of myself first.
I have learned to embrace my flaws and imperfections and I have become more compassionate and understanding with myself. I allow myself to move thorough negative thoughts with grace and ease and then refocus and reconnect. I am truly honoring myself by loving all of me! What steps are you going to take today to start your own journey of truly loving all of you?
My horses have always been an instrumental part of my own healing, along with surrounding myself with the right kind of support. Are you a compassionate person, that loves to assist others? Are you curious about working with horses? Perhaps you have your own horses and would love to be able to make a living sharing them with others? This is the most rewarding work I have ever done in my life! Some of the most incredible experiences that I've had through Equine Assisted Coaching was helping others learn to love themselves again. Watching them stand up and proudly say "I am worthy", " I am enough", as they take back their power and regain their confidence, still gives me goosebumps.
Are you ready to rediscover yourself? Or start a new career in which you can truly help others remember and reconnect with who they are? Through The Freedom Way Equine Assisted Coaching Certification Course, you will gain knowledge and learn useful tools to not only help you heal those parts of your life in need, but also help your clients discover what may be missing in their lives. Bringing horses into working with clients creates such a safe space that it allows a person to really open up quicker than they might in a traditional therapy setting.
We would love to have you join our incredible group of Freedom Way Coaches! Contact us for more information! Or check out our website at: