Are you ready for a new career in Equine Assisted Coaching?

At The Freedom Way®, Equine Assisted Coaching is about fully unlocking the healing and transformation potential people experience when they come heart to heart with a horse.
As a certified Freedom Way Equine Assisted Coach you’ll:
Know how to partner with the horse as an equal, not just a tool or a means to an end.
Understand how to apply coaching as an inspired and intuitively directed activity, not scripted or calculated.
Be encouraged to weave all your wisdom, training, gifts and knowledge into strong combination of support for your client, rather than having to use it as a stand-alone modality.
Create a true body, mind, spirit experience where your client experiences immediate shifts.
Equine Assisted Coaching without Limits!
Our program is designed with these principles in mind:
The client’s needs come first. Our programs are based on meeting the client where they are in the moment. Weaving together the synergy of horse and human, to create a safe space for healing, growth, and transformation. Rather than scripted agenda’s or predetermined outlines, together the horse and coach take inspired action to support the client.
Horses are valued partners and coaches. The Freedom Way sees the horse as an equal in the coaching arena. Horses sense and know things beyond what humans readily can. Our coaches learn how to harness the horse’s wisdom, insight, and energy, following their lead when appropriate, to guide the client.
Adaptability. Your knowledge, wisdom and gifts are embraced and valued as part of what you provide clients. We help you find “your way” of doing equine assisted coaching, rather than you setting aside who you are and following a strict program structure. Healers, coaches and therapists will learn how to powerfully integrate coaching with horses into their current work and client niche. And, if you’re new to this type of work, we’ll show you how to create a thriving business.
The Freedom Keys. Rather than following a predetermined agenda for your sessions, you’ll learn how to apply the 6 Freedom Keys. These provide all the guidance you’ll need to intuitively guide your client in an equine assisted coaching session. Free of predetermined outlines, your best work will be done using these keys.
Emphasis on equine partners well-being. Ensuring your horse coaches are well physically, mentally and emotionally.
Safety. For the client, the horses and you.
Evolutionary Programs

When Coaching The Freedom Way®
The possibilities are limitless!
Horses create a healing and transformational experience like no other. When you team with them as equals, without agendas or outlines, the change is deep and lasting.
Equine Assisted Coaching, The Freedom Way®, integrates powerfully with healing and coaching modalities. Ready to add horsepower to your coaching or healing business? Or, perhaps you're ready to take the reins and create a new business. Let's arrange a time to answer your questions.
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Equine Coaching Certification Level 1
Unlock the transformation of Horse Power!
Whether you are considering a career change, or looking to add to your existing Therapy, or Coaching practice, this is the perfect course for you! And we will show you how to partner with horse rescue facilities, so owning a horse is not necessary. No prior horse experience or coaching experience required. We have created a thorough information packed program for you!