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Freedom Way® Coaches Community Engagement Survey

Thank you for taking a moment to share your preferences and insights. Your feedback will help us create a supportive and engaging community experience.

Would you be interested in connecting with other Freedom Way® Coaches in an online community?
Yes, definitely!
Maybe, depending on the platform.
No, I prefer other forms of connection.
If you're interested in an online community, what type would you prefer?
A Facebook group.
A dedicated platform outside of social media.
How would you like to stay updated on Freedom Way® coaching topics and community news? (Select all that apply.)
Would you participate in quarterly Zoom calls for group discussions and community-building?
Yes, I’d love to join!
Maybe, depending on the timing and topics.
No, I’m not interested.
If you are interested in quarterly Zoom calls what topics or activities would you like included? (Select all that apply.)
How frequently would you like to engage with the Freedom Way® coaching community?
Only as needed for specific updates or events.
What format of engagement would feel most supportive to you? (Select all that apply.)
Are there other ways you would like to engage with the Freedom Way® coaching community that haven’t been mentioned?
No, I’m happy with the options provided.
What is your current situation regarding building an equine-assisted coaching business?
I am actively building or running an equine-assisted coaching business.
I am planning to build an equine-assisted coaching business in the future.
I am undecided about building a business but want to stay connected to the community.
At this time I am not interested in building an equine-assisted coaching business.

Thank you for your feedback and for being part of the Freedom Way® community! Your input is invaluable as we continue to grow and support each other.

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